METAPhilosophy Podcast
EVOLUTION - Time Of The Gaps

EVOLUTION - Time Of The Gaps

The Probability Of Natural Selection

An Incredible Organism Is Evolving at Lightning Speed—Faster Than We Ever Imagined Possible

Scientists from Arizona State University conducted research on the genetic variation in the water flea Daphnia pulex. They found that natural selection on individual genes fluctuates significantly over time, even in a stable environment. This study analyzed DNA samples from nearly 1,000 Daphnia over a decade using advanced genomic techniques. The results showed that the strength of natural selection on individual genes varies from year to year, maintaining genetic variation and potentially increasing adaptability to future environmental changes.

These findings challenge the traditional understanding of natural selection and evolution.

Just as science accuses religion of hiding behind the 'God of the gaps,' science also hides behind the 'time of the gaps' (when in doubt, science leans on millions of years of unobserved evolution), which is based on laboratory evolution experiments that are controlled (planned—not coincidental). Even if there is evidence of coincidence, it is observed in a short time (on a small scale) and cannot be used as a standard to judge on a larger scale (one could also fall into the fallacy of composition, just as religion is accused of understanding God from a small scale deemed disproportionate—fallacy of composition).


Where gaps will narrow if observations are shortened (short-term, not long-term).

Under Control

In addition to the initial evidence in the short-term (with greater probability and should be more recognized as a model for understanding long-term ambiguity), flawless evolution is under control.

Fossil Findings

Evolution through natural selection does not rely solely on short-term experiments, but also on fossil evidence, population genetics, and long-term ecological observations.


There is also a long-term gap in fossils.

"Fossil gaps" or "missing links" in the fossil record are one of the criticisms of evolutionary theory. The fossils found do not always form a perfect and continuous evolutionary sequence from one species to another. There are gaps or voids in the fossil record that span very long periods


The possibility of millions of years of evolution that is not fully understood should not be simplified as if it were impossible.


The complexity that remains unclear reinforces that the probability is not as simple (not as easy) to be considered strong.

Subtle - Complex Natural Selection

There is indeed natural selection, but it is not dominant; rather, it is too subtle and complex, making it not so easily understood.


It is not a problem to consider natural selection subtler. This means that what was once considered dominantly coincidental, now has a probability that reinforces that it is far from coincidence, leaning more towards the probability of order indicated by the dominant role of genetics compared to the less dominant role of natural selection.

Limited Research

If Daphnia is considered research limited to a certain region, especially against the probability of millions of years, which increasingly diminishes in comparison to smaller-scale examples.

Probability of Natural Selection

However, as research advances, it increasingly strengthens the probability that the dominance of natural selection decreases.

Stable Conditions

Recent research proves that creatures can adapt or evolve in the short term & observable (empirically) even in stable environmental conditions (where natural selection is not dominant). Nature merely serves as a support for life.

Regardless of objections, the current probability trends affirm that the model of natural selection does not dominate.

Ongoing Research

That after some time things may change is not an issue; it’s irrelevant to our limited lifespan. Thus, the data used to make decisions in the present time clearly point towards the weak probability of natural selection's dominance, but rather towards genetics' dominance in shaping evolutionary models.

So, regardless of the hypothesis, the small-scale model confirms that natural selection is not strongly dominant. Even if considered dominant in a subtle way, it still leads to the conclusion that from being dominantly coincidental, natural selection has become dominantly non-coincidental.

Thus, natural selection is no longer the sole dominant factor, even if it can be defended as a possibility, its dominance is also weak.

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