METAPhilosophy Podcast
Exist & Qualia - META Perception

Exist & Qualia - META Perception

It Is & How It Is - Affordance

It 'exists' of something depends on how it can affect (change, obstruct) our perception."

Thus, a stone that we can only see will seem less real than a stone that we can both see and touch.

This further affirms that the dream world is also real insofar as it can influence our perception.

Affordance - Capability

In the context of perception, affordance is understood as the ability to interact. But more clearly, it can be described like this:

I see it on a deeper level that affordance opens a pathway through our perception, which is then connected to the source of our inner creativity to understand how the "existence" of something can interact.

META Perception

So, the "existence" that influences our perception allows us to recognize its existence. Meanwhile, affordance, through the "existence" of something brought by affordance, triggers a deeper meta perception—so we not only recognize "the being of something" but also recognize "the natural possibilities of interaction."

Similarity & Difference

The similarity is that both rely on how the environment influences us.

The difference is that "existence" changes our perception, while "affordance" stimulates the creative patterns within us.

Fundamentally, both guide us, but the difference is that affordance involves a deeper perception—not just to recognize "the existence of something" but to recognize "the direction of interaction."


The "existence of something" does not awaken our subjective self except as far as to recognize its "idle" state.

Meanwhile, "affordance" awakens our qualia—a subjective activity that not only perceives "existence" but also perceives "meaning."

Without meta perception that can recognize more than just the "existence" of something, we are like cameras that simply capture images.

With meta perception, known as the symptom of "affordance," we recognize the presence of meaning, and this is where our self (qualia) appears. We feel alive.

An example of understanding affordance is how different people respond to a clenched fist, which can generally be understood as a sign of strength or, alternatively, as a threat.

In programming or design, the designer must have strong intuition to understand the user so that the design is easily understood, whether aesthetically or functionally, not because there is an explanation, but because its use is intuitively clear.

Affordance is relative to the capability and experience of the user. For example, a staircase may afford "climbing" for an adult but not for a baby.

Thus, perceiving "the being" and perceiving "how it is" are truly determined by the environment, yet in the next interaction, its affordance (how it is perceived) can be perceived differently (how this relates to learning and experience). And "the existence" can also be perceived differently when influenced by "cognitive bias."

Those who are sensitive to meta perception can easily grasp the direction of "the existence" of something that has been captured by their perception.


This further affirms the metaphysical dimension. Why? In what way?

Because the "existence" of something does not provide sufficient information about "how it is" except as far as its "existence."

GIGO (Garbage In - Garbage Out): Where the output cannot exceed its potential. This implies that there is something behind qualia, a meta-data that surpasses the input of scanned empirical data.

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